Sunday, March 29, 2009

Click HERE to view other's experiences. Post your own experience. Use Ctrl+F on your browser to find any ID that you suspect is a cheat..

This site has been created to expose fakers, liars and cheats on collarme. Make sure you report the details about the losers

a) Collarme id of the loser (full or partial id)  :

b) What category does this loser belong in?: 

Some options are below
  • pic collector 
  • male disguised as female
  • leads you on for days then freaks out
  • any other (please describe) 
c) What was your experience with this loser?:

d) Provide any proof of your expereince that bolsters the credibility of your posting: 


  1. collarme id: twilliams52
    what was your experience with this loser: this one is just a pic collector

  2. collarme id: jess333111
    what was your experience with this loser: wanker who pretends to be a girl

  3. collarme id: BossyNeeqa
    what was your experience with this loser: This one is someone from Serbia or some russian country, who pretends to be from New York. Very eloquent and can easily fool anyone

  4. collarmeid: newgirllooking
    what was your experience with this loser: just another whore looking for money.

  5. a) Collarme id of the loser:
    1. Icelady33406 (has other profiles but not sure what they are called yet)
    2. erica200
    3. fourholefarmslut
    4. slmonica
    5. bettygeorge
    6. any profile that uses am instead of i am

    b) What category does this loser belong in?:
    1. seeks only money
    2. wants you to help her find a hidden treasure
    3. collects stories
    4. wants you to click a website
    5. wants money
    6. normally only seek money and give you some sob story

    c) What was your experience with this loser?:
    1. spent much time talking to her and every day asked for money.
    2. told Us about a hidden treasure that she needed money to find
    3. wanted nothing more than to tell her how she would be used
    4. all she would tell us was to click on this website
    5. tells us shes in fl to find out shes really in nigera and needs money
    6. want nothing but money and give you some sob story

    d) Provide any proof of your expereince that bolsters the credibility of your posting:
    We would rather not post emails sent to Us but will send out if asked for personaly

  6. Any profile that says 'Nigeria'
